Using quotes & paraphrases

Using quotes & paraphrases

If you’re using Microsoft Word to format a quote, hit the ‘Enter’ button at the start and end of a block. Then, ensure you select the entire quote and tap the ‘Layout’ option. Alternatively, you can use the ruler bar characteristics of a narrative to add a block quote. You can also quote over one paragraph by indenting the first line of every paragraph, like in the main text. Block quotations are used if a text exceeds four lines or 40 words citation style.

  1. Your idea-generating session should have given you some idea of the areas to follow.
  2. Quotation is used when it would strengthen your argument for the reader to see the exact words of the original source, for example, in a definition.
  3. They should be used to explain a point you’ve already made in a slightly different way.
  4. Check out episode three of our podcast, No More Beans, for even more great tips on writing essays against a deadline.
  5. Including a quote that fits naturally into your work can be a bit of a struggle, but these academic phrases provide a great way in.
  6. Historian Edith Hall explains how ancient Greek and Roman texts were recorded on papyrus, which was «extremely vulnerable to wear and tear» (p. 4).
  7. First, analyse the question and decide what it wants you to do.
  8. For shorter quotes that are three lines or fewer, you can use quotation marks to separate them.

Furthermore, five days is too short a follow up time to confirm clinical cure. In social science-based research involving focus groups or interviews, quotes are used when quote introduction sentence starters analysing participants’ responses. Hoult argues that setting targets for achievement can be an effective way of managing study time, and may encourage task completion.

Planning your essay

Use quotes sparingly – Quotes can be great for creating an impact. But, if you over-use them, your lecturer may doubt your understanding of the text. So, it’s best to use quotes sparingly and keep them short-and-sweet. features of a narrative If you don’t feel that a quotation is necessary, you can also paraphrase a source in your own words. You can make minor changes to the punctuation of the sentence to make it flow as part of yours.

  1. Sources can be written, spoken, audio, or visual materials.
  2. In UK academic culture, it is poor practice to use a lot of direct quotes from someone else’s work.
  3. Concluding words for essays are necessary to wrap up your argument.
  4. Once you’ve done this, actually writing the essay should just be a case of bulking out each point and filling in the gaps.
  5. Whatever your subject or topic, we can help by providing the support you need.
  6. Stalin announced defiantly «Hitler’s invasion of Russia will be no more successful than Napoleon’s was.»With double quotes, the problem goes away.
  7. While you should define key terms in your essay, bring them up when you can show how they’ll work in your argument or why they’re important rather than as a default starting place.

Your conclusion must include a brief summary of the ideas that you just exposed without being redundant. The way these ideas are expressed should lead to the final statement and core point you have arrived at in your present research. Block quotes end with a citation style that helps to direct readers to the original source. The student has copied some of the language of the source and paraphrased the rest.

Using short and long quotes

A common mistake is waiting to state your thesis until the end of the essay. You’re not trying to surprise your reader with your argument; you’re trying to convince them, and you need to be clear to be persuasive.

  1. If you don’t signal this clearly, you run the risk of plagiarism, as without quotation marks, the reader will falsely assume that the words are yours.
  2. See the section titled Citing direct quotes in MLA and APA styles below for more details.
  3. Slang and jargon should not be used and long, rambling sentences should be avoided.
  4. Include facts and researchers’ views that disagree with a point of your essay to show your knowledge of your particular field of study.
  5. Also, as is the case with Harvard and APA, quote marks should not be placed around longer quotations.

Nested quotations use a single quotation mark within double quotation marks. To separate the nested quote from the surrounding quote, enclose it in single quotation marks. Plan your work, its structure and the key points and then choose which quotes to include. Choosing quotes beforehand means you’re more likely to let your quotes shape your writing as you try to link one quote to another. Trying to link unrelated ideas because they sound good in isolation won’t help you draw accurate conclusions, and could negatively impact your assessment. Using quotes properly will support your points and improve your assignments. Use quotes that back up your argument rather than quotes that ‘look good’ or sound impressive.

When should I use quotes?

Although several poems in Douglas Dunn’s second collection explore longer forms . The majority favour the short forms that dominated his first book Terry Street.

Paraphrasing is describing one key idea, concept, or fact from a source. Think of paraphrasing as your translation of one idea from a source .

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For example, if you are writing an English Literature essay. Your lecturers want to see your learning and ideas in assignments. If used well, quotation can essay about 1984 be a good way to support your points and demonstrate your ability to critique and analyse, as well as represent your sources in a transparent and fair way.

how to start a quote in an essay

If you’re not very confident about doing this, try to compromise. Instead of citing the entire quote, just pick out the most important phrase, and write the rest in your own words. If you are analysing a fiction text in detail, you should probably include plenty of direct quotes.

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If your research is mainly quantitative, you won’t include many quotes, but if it’s more qualitative, you may need to quote from the data you collected. To quote a phrase that doesn’t form a full sentence, you can also integrate it as part of your sentence, without any extra punctuation. If you name the author in your sentence, you may use present-tense verbs, such as “states’, ‘argues’, ‘explains’, ‘writes’, or ‘reports’, to describe the content of the quote. An APA in-text citation can be parenthetical or narrative. In a parenthetical citation, you place all the information in parentheses after the quote. In a narrative citation, you name the author in your sentence , and place the page number after the quote.

  1. You already have lots of direct quotes in your essay – remember, verbatim quotes should be used sparingly.
  2. This student has copied some of the language of the Troutman passage, and there has been no attempt to acknowledge the source of the words or ideas.
  3. This is the information you have found which is significant for your discussion.
  4. A common mistake is to try to paraphrase a single sentence, which is very difficult and often ends in an inelegant and sometimes meaningless phrase.
  5. An APA in-text citation can be parenthetical or narrative.
  6. However, a quote-within-the-quote can be placed in double quotation marks.

How to paraphrase Learn how to express the source you’re reading in your own words to highlight your learning. Part of the skill in report writing is to know what to leave out as well as include. You may lose marks if your report is too long or too short. If the tables, diagrams and ways to start a quote illustrations you wish to use are directly relevant to your discussion include them in the main text. If not, use them as supporting evidence in your appendices. A report is a style of writing that is both systematic and objective in its presentation of information to the reader.

Frequently asked questions about quoting sources

Whether you use single or double quotation marks will depend on your chosen referencing style. To signal to your reader that a section of text is a quotation of someone else’s work, you normally use quotation marks. These could be single ‘ or double “ quotation marks, depending on the referencing or house style used in your subject. Single quotation marks are more common in UK academic writing, but double quotation marks, though used more in American English, are also acceptable depending on the referencing style. Summarising is similar to paraphrasing, but instead of ending up with a piece of text of similar length, your text will be significantly shorter than the original. The idea is to pick out just the points that are relevant to your own writing. Often you are summarising whole chapters of books or whole journal articles so it enables you to show the range of your reading.

Any report, regardless of style, is very different from an essay. Reports are designed to be selective in information given, and the correct compilation and layout of a report is arguably as important as the material it contains. If you summarise another writer’s views, you must cite the source correctly. Please follow any specific guidelines given in your assignment brief. A guide to essay writing, including a number of helpful videos, is available in the Assignment Lifecycle. If you have already decided to study with us, you can apply direct and save yourself time and money. Starting with the quote of a famous person, particularly one whom your essay isn’t actually going to spend time talking about, reads as a lazy move.

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Summarising is when you give the main points of an entire chapter, book or webpage. Every in-text citation should also have a corresponding full reference in your bibliography. In the beginning of the novel Dickens establishes the details of Scrooge’s character for his reader in a collection of negative verbs and powerful similes.

how to start a quote in an essay

Using quotations accurately makes your essay more convincing and shows that you are able to use evidence to support your points. You can show that you understand which parts of the text are relevant to the point you are making if you are able to select the key parts. Note how the above example emphasizes the writer’s ideas rather than the source’s ideas. The partial quotes are used to support their ideas rather than replace them. Integrating keywords, ideas, and phrases without using full sentences.

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